Friday, November 1, 2019

Poems and Poems and Poems and-

Hmm, I wonder what I did today? Oh, yes, I read a poem! It was actually interesting too, but unfortunately, I do not remember the author. I know it used an extensive metaphor and compared the poet to that of an acrobat. The imagery was honestly great and I could understand the point the author was trying to make! After reading the poem and answering analysis questions, I had to present the poem I composed yesterday. Except I was not there yesterday, so I desperately made one last minute to avoid a fat zero in the grade book. Surprisingly, it was not so bad despite it being made in thirty minutes or so! Would my readers like to gaze upon it? No? Well, too bad:

Fly, you little butterfly
You useless little thing
Nothing but a scrap of dust
You care not to swing
The wings are dull, the legs are frail
Can easily lull the child to wail
Why must you fly, why won't you die?
A trivial lie, the butterfly
Your wings, the dull wings
Have been ensnared in life's web
It pulls, it pulls
Until you can fly no more
No more flying, you little butterfly
For the web has caught you forevermore!

Abstract concepts are my favourite, yes indeed.

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