Sunday, March 22, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #1

It has been some time since I saw another human besides my parents. I am going mad. Sergeant Wright used to sell Little Bites, but without them, I may lose my sanity. I also have a surplus of homework; just thinking about it makes my blood run cold. I have not been doing much since my quarantine from school, what am I supposed to do, go outside? But I suppose it feels nice to do things at my own pace at home. Will I likely procrastinate on everything I must do? Absolutely. It is a terrible habit. Honestly, I would probably be in a better mood if I did not receive the most homework I received in my life, but how can I be upset? My curriculum must continue! Let us hope the disease does not get to me before I finish it all. I only wish... I could tell my husband and children... how much I love them... 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Free Day, Except I Slept

It is hard to have a definitive opinion when my mind was practically unconscious at the time, but I certainly enjoyed the relaxation of today. I could still hear my classmates' chatter even though my mind was asleep, and it makes me content when they're at ease. Aside from that, I simply enjoyed the rare moment to put my head down!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


All juniors took the ACT today, and it sucked the life out of me. That is it. I have perished and am partaking in apple juice with Jesus. I would ask for wine, but I am too young.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Multicultural Education in the Gosh Darn Classroom

I am about exhausted of hearing the word "cultural" at this point, but that is how the crumble cookies I suppose. At least the assignment itself was not torture, the class stole some computers and hopped on AVL to do some research classes; we were in groups, and only my group had the topic mentioned in the title. As always, my level of interest I had rivaled that of my desire to eat vegetables, and I despise vegetables. Nevertheless, the assignment was not horrible, though I wish we could go over a topic I am actually interested in for once!

Friday, March 6, 2020


At last, we played my favourite classroom game, Kahoot! Whether or not we played it because a fair amount of students or because it was preemptive is not important, I am only glad we did not take a test or anything of the sort. My beloved teacher has a habit of doing that on days where a test should not even be a thought! Due to a "Baby Dance" today, which was some sort of shoutout to premature babies or something even though I doubt anyone remembered the true reason, I got out of class early and had a blast simply sitting in the bleachers as I always do. My biggest satisfaction is my victory of both Kahoot games, which is the greatest achievement of my life for sure. Surely my existence is complete.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Last Time I Checked, Tom Brady Will Not Help Me Graduate

Surprisingly, the day involved an activity instead of work that makes me want to gouge out my eyes. In short, we were put in groups and assigned a current event to analyze in a KWL chart. Most of the events, such as Tom Brady and whatever business he is up to, and Nathaniel Woods' situation, were topics I did not know much, if not nothing, about. While Nathaniel and the other topic of the Corona virus was crucial to know, the rest was not interesting to me. In all honesty, most current events I know nothing about because I do not watch the news or pay attention. I am too busy for that, woe is me. But in the end, the day was an interactive experience, and that is what matters.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

So It Turns Out A Bibliography Is Not The Study of Biblical Times

Like the title somewhat suggests, the class dove headfirst into writing bibliographies without drowning. I was a bit hesitant at first, it sounded complex and high leveled, but my fears were unfounded in the end! The process was easy to understand and to complete, to my delight. While I personally think it is not very important in the grand scheme and is simply extra work, I can see its usefulness and why writers create them. Apparently I would not have been taught how to write a bibliography in college, so I am glad to know now! Also, if anyone wondered if I truly believed bibliography was the study of something Biblical related, those thoughts are correct. I surely did!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

More Prompts and Evidence Finding? Oh Boy

By no means do I intend to ridicule my teacher, but I was utterly bored today and I was dying to lay my head down. Like usual, we dove back into a prompt and worked on establishing claims, as well as evidence. I found myself growing frustrated when it came down to the commentary portion on a particular piece of "evidence". I use quotations because I did not see how the quote helped at all as evidence to the claim, subsequently making it hard to explain the evidence. It certainly did not help that I was detrimentally exhausted the entire day. Oh well, there is always a chance for an engaging day tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Here We Go Again

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and today was that end -- school is back in session. Heavens no! Anywho, class was no different than it usually is, and I had the pleasure of going over an AP writing prompt from 2008. Truly a relic of history. It was admittedly hard to focus because I had little interest in the assignment at hand and we were reviewing skills we already learned, though at least I did not die of boredom this time around. Perhaps my disinterest is actually confidence in my writing ability? Hmm, likely not, I was simply disinterested.