Thursday, April 30, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #15

Today was also suspiciously lax, this is getting scary! The lack of stress is making me stressed, I must be missing something. It is bad enough that I am stuck at home with plenty of general work to do, something is amiss here, I just know it. Then again, I am not complaining if it means I can spend more time being perpetually paranoid! Hooray! 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #14

Today was notable for being... peaceful. Aside from this blog, I had little work to do from this class or my biology class. That is unnerving and worrying, there is always work! This peace is too peaceful. Not to mention that my plan to take the Exam next year was thwarted! My teachers must be planning something... 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #13

I AM DYING TO GET OUT OF MY GOSH DARN HOUSE AND SEE OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. Alright, got that out. Today's assignment left me stumped for a long time, mostly because my brain shuts off at 5 p.m these days, but also because I was not familiar with the prompt. Moreso the evidence and what the writer was thinking, so I was blindly filling in blanks based on what I believed followed the writer's mindset. All of the struggling on my behalf makes me wonder if I should just wait until my senior year (if the general public stops being vastly unintelligent by then so the virus dies down) to take the exam. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #12

Today was simple enough, I did a single assignment that revolved around attacking the prompt to find evidence, though my biggest concern is my habit of doing this work last. I do have a fair amount of work, yes, but most of it could be resolved by a proper sleep schedule and not procrastinating -- both of which are near impossible to regulate these days. I am going crazy in my household, and even crazier over this work. I miss all the other topics we used to do in class... 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #11

Good for me, there was not much to do this particular day. GOOD. I am at my wit's end with rhetorical analysis and everything it stands for. By the end of this week, though, I do feel like I have a better grasp on potentially writing an essay. Finding the situation? I am not too sure on that, but I am certain I only need to practice. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #10

Golly, today really bested me. Today's assignment was to write a body paragraph, and the prompt at hand was far more confusing than I expected. I understood it as much as I did not, which in itself makes no sense. As a result, I slacked off on the assignment and could not complete it. I feel immensely guilty like I commited a crime! I just could not fathom where to even start with the prompt despite the video provided being more than helpful. Perhaps I can find wisdom tomorrow. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #9

I believe I am getting a better understanding of the topic, mostly the task of finding out what the author is talking about. My biggest goal is going for a great thesis and a great conclusion, which could easily be obtained by the line of reasoning being understood, but my concern is the time limit of the essay. That is my greatest enemy without a doubt, which is why I should be practicing writing essays analyzing the rhetorical usage of a random passage or two. Will I? Ehh... 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #8

Today's lesson was a bit simple to understand, although it was hard to focus. To be honest, most of my focus is divided between school and college. I recently enrolled into The University of Alabama's early college program before the world went down the gutter, so I have had twice the amount of work than most students. I am getting college credit early and learning valuable information, but at WHAT COST? Oh well, at least I understood the concept of writing a decent conclusion. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #7

A bit of hope has blossomed now that I feel a bit better in my rhetorical skills, at least in writing a decent thesis. Most likely, my constant worrying impeded my progress, as always. Though I will continue to worry anyway, as always. Today's assignment gave me a mild confidence boost, and I intend to rewatch it whenever I can before the exam approaches. Honestly, I would not be so finicky if I could do a synthesis or argumentative essay instead! Why must it be rhetorical analysis, dear Lord, why!? 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #6

I wish I could say I understand how to find the rhetorical situation, but I am still struggling with the concept. Exigence, context, subject, I do not understand how to "find" it. My teacher gave some helpful advice, but it is still hard to grasp completely. It is greatly grating on my nerves, mostly because the primary reason I cannot understand is due to my inactive mind. Working from home is not effective for me at all, I need to be in a school environment. At least there I could purchase snacks and understand the concept. Hah, maybe that it was my mind is numb, because I need snacks! 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #5

My frustration is starting to grow, I still cannot fully grasp what rhetorical situation is no matter how it is explained. The assignment today did not really help at all, which makes me feel rather dimwitted. I suppose I should rewatch the videos I received, hopefully that will provide insight. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #4

Today's assignment centered around writing an introduction for a rhetorical analysis, and I had more trouble with it than I expected. I believe that my difficulty mostly stemmed from my brain being more "inactive" these days, making focusing practically impossible. There was also the fact that I was unsure how to phrase the introduction, and it made me frustrated. Online classes are not the same as going to school, I cannot focus whatsoever. Surprisingly, I miss the days in class where my mind did not constantly wander. Well, not as much as it does at home. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #3

I am finding it difficult to wake up in time for "classes" ever since my sleep schedule became abysmal throughout this quarantine. Staying up until six in the morning has become the norm for me, and that surely puts a challenge down. On a brighter note, the start of school will curb my self-destructive habit of staying up for no reason. In regards to today's work, I am pleased to say that I completed it all, even though it was hard to really focus on what I was doing. Everything is different from being in physical class where I must be focused, and I fear the new environment will stunt my ability to understand what I am looking at. Maybe if I go back over each assignment, I can get a good feel for everything... 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Apocalyptic Log #2

I have nearly died multiple times since my last post. I fear I may not survive for much longer... not when my supply of snacks is so detrimentally low. To top it all off, school has commenced once more. I can already tell it will be a long ride... Today, I completed my first assignment of the "quarter",which I could have done better on, and also learned that the AP English Exam will be focused on rhetorical analysis. I was admittedly greatly displeased to hear that, since rhetorical analysis is similar to coffee, and I do not like coffee. It will certainly be a challenge, but so long as I am allowed to do a practice run, I have faith that I may do a good job before this pandemic drives mad.