Monday, October 7, 2019

EQTs and Poems

Well, less "EQT" and more "writing section of the EQT', but it is still there in essence. The beginning of class was spent looking over past essays to get a good grasp of what to do and what not to do in the writing. As always, I am stressing despite how easy the task seems. I am just perpetually stressed. Afterwards, I was able to read a poem by Robert Frost depicting the whimsical joys of childhood and how the narrator longs to return to it. How? Well, climbing trees apparently works. Then I was introduced to a... shorter poem. When I first saw it, I burst out laughing because it was so small! One, maybe two lines! That was when I was introduced to imagery poems, or something along that line, and understood the short length. In the end, it perfectly achieved a sense of an image! I am supposed to create my own tonight, and I already have an unwilling subject! Heheheh.

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