Friday, October 18, 2019

Rhetoricals and Proce- Procati- Procatalepis

I already had a general idea of what a rhetorical question was, so I was not too excited to write notes on it, but just like hyperbole, there were secrets within. The fact that it is a key tool in an essay was beyond me, as well as the fact that it can be overused. The answer is implied with these questions, and can either drive your point home or lose the reader's trust. It is also a cousin to hypophora, which is growing a family tree at this point. Next is Poliomyelitis- Sorry, procatalepis. This beautiful device, which is also related to hypophora, deals specifically with objections, often without stating the question. It has the pretense of knowing what the reader is thinking and offering an objection to any counters ahead of time, which is why it is useful in argumentatives. I happen to like it, I sure love objecting things.

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