Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Multiple Choice Extravaganza

Multiple choice questions usually give me a burst of relief because I have something to choose from rather than think of something that will probably be correct. I never know why I think this, considering multiple choice questions have the same odds, only the answer is in my face and I must figure it out. What gets me most of the time is finding the answer when the directions state to find the best answer. I always read that, but never heed that. Until today, hooray! Today, I was able to learn the aspects of most multiple choice questions and their possible answers, ranging from completely incorrect, sort of off topic, a good answer, and the best answer. How do I recognize this? By process of elimination and focusing on the best one in the end. My habit of seeing them as all fully incorrect except one singular answer definitely caused errors for me, but this lesson helped! I could still use some assistance finding a proper technique, but I am glad to be on the right track.

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