Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wild Dreams

In the beginning of class, the topic of discussion was about dreams, which took me by surprise, but I was still eager to participate. The assignment revolved around defining the American Dream, then saying what my dream is, which is the simple desire to be happy in life. I have no true need for wealth or fancy cars, a shred of serotonin is all I need! After watching two interviews by Oprah Winfrey to Cheryl Strayed, which I enjoyed as Cheryl delved deeper into the meanings in her story Wild, the class transitioned to discussing both chapters seven and eight of the aforementioned book. It soon became apparent why I was told to begin with dreams, as the book implies, and Cheryl herself states in her speech not to let dreams ruin one's life. How could a dream ruin a life? Well, one could lose individuality or the reality of life chasing idealistic fantasies; that is what I interpreted from the video I watched and the book. The day was certainly insightful and smooth.

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