Friday, January 31, 2020

ACT With Mac D's

I never experienced the class today because I was quickly called out to the front office, courtesy of none other than my principal. I was curious considering few of the other "smart kids" were called too -- maybe I was in trouble? Not that I do anything that warrants a punishment, other than occasionally sneaking a snack in whenever I am digesting myself. Thankfully, there was a reward awaiting me instead
I, along with about seven others, were apparently recognized for the work we do during Intervention, and the principal rewarded us by buying McDonald's then and there and letting us eat in the library. I was a bit peeved this happened right after I finished lunch and was fairly full, but that still did not stop me from seizing my opportunity. I ate even more and I have no regrets. I truly appreciate what the principal did for us -- maybe I will get a reward for doing twice as much!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Deduction and Seduct- Induction

At last, I began a topic that was not broad, did not require positions, and did not force me to connect two things into a relationship for writing's sake. The lesson was about deductive and inductive reasoning, and while I had heard of them, I did not know the difference so it made me glad to learn about it! The activity that followed was difficult, but only because I did not know how to explain how I knew a premise was invalid or valid in an educated sense. Some of the claims in the activity were hilariously ridiculous, such as the insane leap that because God is love, love is blind, and Ray Charles was blind, Ray Charles is God. That just... that threw me for a loop. The entire day threw me for a loop.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I Ate Two Cupcakes

The class started back with the prompt I recently complained about, the one about ownership and sense of self, and I was dismayed just as last time. I am honestly unsure as to what I am supposed to be even arguing. Thankfully, the Honor Roll ceremony (which I forgot was today) gave me a chance to escape that hellish class. A short reprieve, yes, but a welcome one nonetheless.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Purpose

I am not sure what my purpose is. Self-identity was the main focus of class today, but I felt left out despite my out of context yet humourous interjections. I simply drift through life in a sheltered bubble, telling myself that when I enter college then I'll have a chance to be happy. A destructive way of thinking, but it keeps me going. I do have a slight belief in my purpose that stems from my eagerness to assist others. Many people assume I'm not from Alabama because of my polite, apparently formal, dialect and give me praise for treating them with proper respect. Is that so rare in adolescents here? Seeing the smiles of people, even those I am impartial to, fill me with joy, especially when I am the cause of it. I want to spread friendliness and affection to many people. watch their faces light up, and give them hope that the world is not so consumed by indifference. However, that is difficult now. I am too tired, too self-depreciating, too cynical. It upsets me that I have an unnatural sense of love boiling within me along with a perpetual cauldron of self-hatred, pessimistic views, and sorrow. How does that even add up? But I pray. I pray that one day, one day, I find the happiness I need to confidently spread my endearment to others. Not just find it, but also gain the will to live in order to actually fight for my findings. It does not matter how many times I find that day if I am too deep in my desire to permanently sleep to grab happiness.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Just When I Thought I Was Safe, The Universe Said, "Psych"

I must say, I was very displeased once I learned we would be doing another prompt with a ridiculous premise and unclear question we had to answer. Well, it was ridiculous and unclear to me. I could not give a rat's bottom about the views of ownership, how on earth does it tie in to sense of safe? Golly, can I not just argue on a position, not some random relationship? It was the exact same thing with the certainty and doubt fiasco, and that does not tickle my fancy. But I must get my practice somewhere, so I must as well try to focus on the prompt and understand it. Will this sentiment stop me from complaining about this again tomorrow? No, it will certainly not. Tune in the next day, my venting will probably last all week folks!

Friday, January 24, 2020

What On Earth Did I Walk Into

I returned to my beloved 4th block and heard about an apparent pop quiz the teacher gave out that was exceedingly difficult. While it was nice to see Mr. Rease(s) again, I certainly did not want to complete the multiple choice abomination - I hate coming into a class where I am behind! Though admittedly, it was not all that bad. Well, the passage was not, but the answers to some of the questions? Wack! The wackiest wack to wack this wacky earth! I do not understand how some of the answers even possibly made sense, but I suppose that is my inexperience at play in the end. We will apparently be doing these surprise assessments every week, so let us see if I ever improve!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Teacher Is Back, But I Surely Am Not

I got an early dismissal before the second lunch wave, so I have little means of reflecting on a day I did not experience. Hopefully the class did not go right back to that prompt, ahahah! Ahaha. Ha.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Where Is My Birthday Present

While my teacher is out living the dream, or something like that, I was stuck with that ridiculous prompt again. I had to create more body paragraphs, but to be honest, I just... wrote things. I had no idea what I was writing, I just wanted to get the insipid task over with. Well, that was my day in class. On the bright side, today is my birthday! The world knows what happens when one turns seventeen. That is right, I can now commit tax fraud!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

If I Had The Choice of Eating a Vegetable or Dying Instantly, I'd Choose Death

Apologizes for the random title, my teacher is not here today so a unanimous decision by I and I was to be random. The only assignment was to create a body paragraph around the prompt I oh so despise, and afterwards I simply started on Ms. Schemensky's neverending homework while contemplating my life choices.

Friday, January 17, 2020

AP Exam Scoring

Today, I was relieved the attention turned away ever so slightly from the certainty and doubt fiasco and focused on the rubric for the AP Exam writing section. Although it was from 2012, it still held valuable information. I was tasked with reading previous student's essays and evaluating how they would be scored if I were the scorer. Some were... less than adequate, but the one that scored an 8 gives me hope that I could aim that high! Or at least get a 6.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Here We Go Again

The class leapt back into that wretched topic of doubt and certainty again, and like the last few days, I had little to say. However, I was not so peeved this time, because I was able to provide "evidence" from my own experience, and my wife was here as well. I am always happier when she is here. Although I still want to burn the prompt to the ground, desecrate its grave, and curse its name, it was still a valuable experience that I need help with indirect essay prompts.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Doubt and Certainty

I was rather displeased with today's proceedings - my best friend, person-I-would-marry-if-I-was-homosexual, got an early dismissal, so I was alone. Along with that, we were still on that doubt and certainty malarkey, the topic I dislike with an irritated passion. It is confusing and I do not understand what I am meant to do. It did not help when I had to watch random videos and magically pluck sentences that would be helpful for my "evidence" with my "claims" in my "position" regarding certainty and doubt. It just makes no sense to me! I want nothing more to do with this inane prompt anymore, but unfortunately, I know the class will be dragged back into it tomorrow. Forgive me if I sound more irritable than a crab in an apple, that would probably be because I am.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Certainty and Doubt

With the day altered due to the "Raider Schedule" for juniors, the class was shorter than it normally would be -- that was good. I had the chance to go over an AP prompt where I had to choose a position about the relationship between certainty and doubt. The directions were definitely strange, and I still cannot grasp what exactly the prompt is asking of me, especially with the provided quotes not helping me much. It probably does, but I certainly cannot figure it out. I am grateful to be exposed to it, however, because now I have the knowledge that a prompt I receive may be more abstract than direct.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Four Corners

Due to the fact that a junior meeting was scheduled, the class (thankfully) did not do anything serious. Instead, we played Four Corners where each corner was a level of agreement from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The teacher asked questions and I had to stand at my position. Unfortunately, I did not find it very fun, probably because of the questions; they were topics that I had no interest for. On the bright side, listening to everyone's position was definitely fun, especially on the topic regarding teenagers thirteen to seventeen being allowed to choose their own body modifications such as tattoos or piercings. That was certainly a wild ride. As mentioned before, a meeting took place, so class was cut short. Good!

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Fallacies Have Broken My Knees!

Lies and poor choices continued today as the class read more about fallacies in my favourite informative book, Thank you for arguing (by Jay Heinrichs). I like the way the author includes the reader in the text using tasteful and humorous informal writing. Some new fallacies were introduced to me today, such as appealing to absurdity and the unit fallacy, and it amazes me how easily it is to be fooled by them all. As a gullible and pitifully oblivious person, I have probably fallen victim to fallacies since birth, though since most were given by my parents, it was not as though I had any choice in using proper rhetorical techniques to deflect them. Well, I could, but I like having my behind intact. Anywho, the chapter I read reminded me of how much I love rhetorical situations and proper arguing skills! On a completely random note, my teacher said that vodka was completely healthy and I should drink every day now. Who knew?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Fallacies Can Break My Knees

Yesterday, I learned about fallacies, techniques that can hamper an effective argument. Some of the definitions felt spot on to certain methods I and many others unconsciously use in daily speech, so it was rather interesting to hear about! Today, the class split into groups to make a skit that had one of the fallacies in it somehow. As fun as it was to watch everyone make a fool of themselves, I included, it did not really help me understand how to pinpoint specific fallacies any better; the skits were inane and ridiculous, so I could not figure out specifically what each group did without having choices provided. It was just a luck of the draw that I was able to guess which one was used, that plus eliminating choices I actually knew was not the answer. I really hope we have more activities with fallacies to understand them as well as have more fun with them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Being Smart? Being Talented? IT IS OVERATED!

I am the smart child. The gifted child. The golden star of my family. Ever since elementary, I prided myself in being "smart", in having straight A's, in receiving points for good behaviour, in being the best. I excel in my classes, I rival my classmates with a superb performance, I truly am a smart child. Failure is not an option, no one can beat me, I will not allow it. Not being the best means absolute failure - and failure is unintelligent. That is what I believed wholeheartedly. It pulsed through my veins and was my reason to live. Without the praise of my teachers and friends, without the knowledge that I have a higher grade than anyone else, I was nothing. But after watching a TED Talk that discussed being the "smart kid", I may have a different view. The video seemed to talk directly to me, hitting points that I could relate to and reflect on. I push myself too hard, I hold such high values on things that will not matter in a few years. Watching that video made me realize something, my obsession with perfection, talent, and intelligence will ultimately ruin my life. I can succeed without driving myself insane.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Boys Are Back In Class

Unlike most of my peers, I actually missed school, or rather, the routine it gave me through my days. I did not miss the urge to sleep in class. At least today was not so trying; the day started off with a semester evaluation with the teacher asking various questions. It allowed me to reflect on what I enjoyed, as well as remember I have a terrible memory. Good times. Afterwards, my eyes were opened and the eyes of those eyes were opened after I watched a TED Talk that, when summed up, explains how intelligence and talent does not correlate to success -- it is made through effort. Also pure luck,but  I will not go into that. The video did make me feel a bit better about myself and pinpoint some key causes of my anxieties, so I appreciate showing. Here is to a neat semester! Hopefully.