Friday, January 31, 2020

ACT With Mac D's

I never experienced the class today because I was quickly called out to the front office, courtesy of none other than my principal. I was curious considering few of the other "smart kids" were called too -- maybe I was in trouble? Not that I do anything that warrants a punishment, other than occasionally sneaking a snack in whenever I am digesting myself. Thankfully, there was a reward awaiting me instead
I, along with about seven others, were apparently recognized for the work we do during Intervention, and the principal rewarded us by buying McDonald's then and there and letting us eat in the library. I was a bit peeved this happened right after I finished lunch and was fairly full, but that still did not stop me from seizing my opportunity. I ate even more and I have no regrets. I truly appreciate what the principal did for us -- maybe I will get a reward for doing twice as much!

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